Honey - Two tablespoons of honey a day could keep the doctor away.

 A well-known and reliable natural treatment is honey. According to a recent study, honey has a lot more advantages than just easing sore throats and cold symptoms.

According to experts at the University of Toronto, adding some honey to meals is a terrific way to add some more flavour and some positive health impacts to your diet.

Researchers have discovered that honey enhances a number of crucial markers of cardiometabolic health, including blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials employing honey were the subject of a study that was written up in the Nutrition Reviews journal. Researchers discovered as a result of this approach that honey consumption decreases fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, and bad cholesterol/LDL, stabilises triglycerides, and is a sign for fatty liver disease.


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